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QR-P is a real time tracking and management system to ensure better and faster servive in Early Response Actions, with the aim of increase the chances of cargo and vehicles recovery, with reliability and precision in the operations.
The conception of the system has as base the element of the telephony mobile tracking (smartphone) as fundamental tool for the monitoring, control and security, with the main objective of expand the quality guarantees and availability of the services as well as the agents for ocorrences attendance.
Today, we know that the concern with the safety of our children is increasing. LogBus School integrates, into the MobCel, useful information about the house-school-house route. The App manages real time information about vehicles telemetry, bus stop location and students boarding points. Bringing more security for students and tranquility for parents.
Applications: People location and school transportation management.
The Bus2U App was born as an integral part of an Intelligent Public Transportation Management Support System, "LogBus Global", in order to meet emerging demand in the area of IoT – Smart Mobility.
Bus2U increases the quality of the service offered to the passenger, through the User Information Systems - UIS, reporting schedules, best route options, mode and time displacement, lines and possible connections, in real time, by means of onboard technology, reducing waiting times, the anxiety of the passenger and expanding his safety.
Inside the Panorama Track & Trace platform, there is the "SO Creation" resource. Hiring Smart Tech module, you will have access to a national technicians network of tracking equipment installation. The technicians located in the region where you need to do the installation, maintenance or remove trackers, will receive the service offerings through the application and they will answer the message showing interest in the realization of your service order.
Important: The power to decide who will perform the service always will be in your hands.
Your company attends self-employed lorry drivers?
Expand the range of products and the focus in the client can do the difference! By offering the Find Frete application to the truckers you attend, they will have access to the cargo bids published in Find Frete portal by shippers and transporters that use this solution.
Your truckers customers, application users, will receive the offers in accordance with the registered vehicle type and the region in which act.
Uncomplicate your projects, simplify your management!
HY Manager is an Agile Projects Management Platform that delivers extreme mobility to the users in the access to the data, allowing speed and ease at the time in the taking decisions. Its structure is based on CANVAS and KANBAN tools, as well as the SCRUM methodology for the development of it agile management. The platform can be applied both in project management as well as the execution of Service Orders.
Justino Cobra St., 25 | Vila Ema
São José dos Campos, SP - Brazil
CEP 12243 030
+55 12 3204-4686 | +55 12 98192-1314 | 82*2173