Bus2U shows you the best way to arrive where you need to go! By bus and metro.

Free App for ANDROID and iOS with dynamic, simple and efficient information, inserting the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as active part in the construction of an urban environment with more complete services.

The User Information System (UIS) is an interaction tool between operators and users, allowing access to specific or custom information, such as:

Bus stops location near by you

Choose your destination

Routes possible alternatives

Total travelling time

Start and end points of your trip

Waiting time at bus stops

Information at destiny about other lines available in the proximities

It informs about bus and metro integrated trip options

It monitors the bus journey and identifies the bus stop proximity

Plannification of the return trip

Getting off the bus, it displays your geographical location in the city and the route to the selected destination

Accelerate your arrival with Bus2U!

Free App!
Arrive soon.

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